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CSA palisander

Honduras ceder


CSA palisander


Klassisk guitar - Ahorn

Kopi af 1890 Torres SE 144



Klassisk guitar - CSA palisander:

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“This guitar has a wonderful, robust tone - very bright and fast-responding with ample clarity and projection for the concert stage. Bröggers building style is very reminscent of the old Spanish masters (Garcia, Simplicio, Fleta) yet shows signs of the French and Granada schools (Bouchet, Friederich, Marin) as well. The guitar is easy to play, has a very smooth neck and is very even across all registers. We recommend this builder highly”.

Tim Miklaucic and David Collett, Guitar Salon International USA.





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Flammet ahorn

Honduras ceder


CSA palisander


Klassisk guitar - CSA palisander

Kopi af 1890 Torres SE 144


Klassisk guitar - Ahorn:

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“This guitar is made with stunning flamed maple back and sides, as well as the exceptionally high-quality spruce found on all Brögger guitars. Like many well-made maple guitars, the tone is softer and warmer than a rosewood guitar, and almost seems to glow. This beautiful guitar is ideal for intimate settings, although still powerful enough for concert situations. The guitar is reminiscent of the charming maple guitars of the early Madrid school, and is decorated with beautiful purfling and a perfectly executed rosette. The guitar is easy to play and has a very smooth neck with comfortable action. We recommend this builder highly”.

Tim Miklaucic and David Collett, Guitar Salon International USA.





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Spansk cypres

Spansk ceder

CSA palisander

CSA palisander


Klassisk guitar - CSA palisander

Klassisk guitar - Ahorn


Kopi af 1890 Torres SE 144:

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Antonius Torres Jurado (1817-92), faderen til den moderne klassiske guitar – guitarens Stradivarius.
Omkring 1850 udviklede den spanske guitarbygger Antonius Torres Jurado den klassiske guitar, til den model vi stort set bruger i dag. Resonanskassen gjorde han større og mensurlængden standardiserede han fra de hidtil ca. 610 mm til ca. 650 mm. Desuden perfektionerede han det vifteformede listeafstivningssystem på langs af dækkets underside, der allerede var på vej til at afløse det mere primitive system bestående af at par enkelte på tværs gående bjælker.
Torres havde i sit liv to aktive perioder som guitarbygger, hvor han fremstillede hovedparten af sine instrumenter, nemlig fra 1852-69 hovedsagligt i Sevilla og fra 1875-92 i Almeria – begge i Spanien. I sin anden aktive periode nummererede Torres sine guitarer på instrumentets byggermærkat, ligesom han på denne skrev “Segunda Epoca” (SE) (anden epoke). Intrumenter fra denne sidste periode betegnes med “SE” efterfulgt af nummer.
Man regner med, at Torres ialt byggede ca. 320 guitarer og heraf kendes i dag ca. 100 bevarede.
Én af disse bevarede guitarer – nemlig nr. SE 144 fra 1890 – har Kenneth Brögger i sin private samling af fine guitarer. Han har nøje undersøgt instrumentet og bygger, hvad alt angår (form, materialer, indlæg, samtlige demensioner, lak m.m.) nogle kopier så tæt på originalen som muligt, dels med træstemmeskruer - som på originalen - og dels med metal mekanikker

“This instrument is a near-exact reproduction of an original second-epoch Torres from 1890 in Brögger's personal collection of fine instruments. The dimensions, thicknesses of woods, proportions and aesthetic details of the original have been meticulously reproduced. The resulting guitar is in our opinion the finest and most authentic Torres copy we have ever seen. It is astonishing just how close this is to the original, not just in weight (1 gram difference) and appearance, but also in sound. Brögger has somehow captured the magic of Torres in a way we have never before seen”.

Tim Miklaucic and David Collett, Guitar Salon International USA.